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Starting Your Own Vegetable Plants in Michigan ~ Is it Worth it?

Several people ask me if it makes sense to start your own vegetable plants or if you would be better off buying them.  If you want to know which one will cost less, I’d say you would be way better off just buying your Michigan vegetable plants.  Most people who prefer to start their own garden plants do so for reasons other than finacial reasons.  A whole flat of vegetable plant, which is around 48 plant will cost somewhere between $10.00 and $13.00 dollars which isn’t much considering what goes into producing a healthy flat of vegetable plants.

Some plants are quite easy to start and others are much more difficult. If you like the idea of starting your own Michigan vegetable plants from seed you could try a good mix of the varieties you plant and see what germinates for you.  Buying the fill in plants that don’t come up is an easy fix to keep the variety you want to see in your vegetable garden.

When to Start Vegetable Garden Seeds in Michigan

Deciding when to start you vegetable plant seeds in Michigan depends on when you want to plant and what kind of protection you have to keep the plants alive in the colder months of spring.  Most greenhouse growers will start their vegetable plants in mid to late March.  I know many people who start them in the house around the same time.  It is very important to keep the plants in an environment where they get enough sunlight or they will become “leggy” or tall and week in the trunk.

Another point to consider when deciding when to start vegetable plant seeds in Michigan is the maturity date of the seed your starting.  Vegetables vary widely in their maturity dates with some radishes being ready for harvest within weeks to watermelon taking over 100 days.  I usually recommend that your be ready to plant your garden around Memorial weekend.  This will give your Michigan vegetable garden time to mature and produce the vegetables  you want in time for a frost free harvest.

If you need to buy Michigan vegetable plants for your garden, we have a good selection during May at our Michigan Produce Market near Clare Mi.

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